15 Feb 2/15
The 5K and Arlberg bike path were groomed this afternoon. Thank you to our volunteer groomers - go Ski!...
The 5K and Arlberg bike path were groomed this afternoon. Thank you to our volunteer groomers - go Ski!...
Love YOUR trails! Pick up dog poop, give thanks to your volunteer groomers, and support GNSC. Go SKI! A new inch of snow today received a fresh groom from Peter; 5K and the bike path....
Tim and Peter groomed the 5K and Arlberg Path. It came out well! Enjoy the sunshine that keeps coming before the clouds return...
Sharon and Jeff just groomed the 5K loop and Arlberg sidewalk tonight. Have a Super Sunday outside! Thank you to our volunteers...
Peter groomed the Arlberg Bike Path to go with the freshly groomed 5K Loop. Here’s a reminder from him that the 5K Loop is SKI ONLY. Thanks Peter! Have a great weekend everyone....
2/1 Report: Peter & Jim groomed the 5K Loop and Arlberg Bike Path this morning. Go check it out and have a great weekend! #girdwoodnordic #groomersrock ...
5K and Bike path groomed today before 10:00 AM. 5 K is ski only! Today's groomer's Choice is: 5K, Upper Loop. The trail does have some terrain to deal with in the form of sitzmarks and some unevenness here and there. There are a few old watercrossings with less snow than we would like to see. Use caution on the downhills AND FILL YER #^*%(# SITZMARKS. We have a great start but still need substantial snows to be able to open our normally groomed multi-use trails. Overall very good conditions on the 5 K. Support the Club with a family membership. Come out and enjoy the great snow! pz...