31 Mar 3/31
All trails were brushed up last night! Enjoy the Friday skiing. Go go volunteers! All: Be good trail stewards and pick up dog WASTE....
All trails were brushed up last night! Enjoy the Friday skiing. Go go volunteers! All: Be good trail stewards and pick up dog WASTE....
Trails are all freshly groomed! Enjoy and be good trail stewards. Thank you volunteers and supporters!...
Registration is open! Alyeska Hill Climb Saturday April 15th https://www.crosscountryalaska.org/alyeskahillclimb Event is limited to 50 Female and 50 Male for long course and 20 Female/20 Males for Short course. $30 for long course, $20 for short course Short course starts at base of tram to mid hill. Open to USSS U16 and U14 ages. Long course begins at the base of tram and climbs to the top of tram. Open to USSS 16+ Maps will be posted in early April....
Winner Creek Trail has been reset with a base best suitable for classic skiing! Report is that soft snow along the trail will temper enthusiasm. As increased users and trail hardening occurs, multi-use will be the mode. All trails were groomed last night. What a way to start the week! Thank you for supporting GNSC and our fabulous groomers...
Today is the KMTA Corduroy Crush! Registration begins in person at 930am at the 5K trailhead. First race is at 11am. If you'd like to come cheer, wear skis! See you on the trails and thank you to our fantastic groomers! More info HERE ...
Fresh 3" and another groom. Thank you to our volunteers! Tracks are set on the upper meadows, moose meadow, and 5K. Enjoy the skiing everyone and the sunshine! Tomorrow is the Corduroy Crush on the 5K....
Trails are getting attention today as they hardened overnight. Thank you to our volunteers. Enjoy the skiing and PICK UP DOG WASTE....
During yesterday's storm all trails were rolled with the intent that today's groom is more doable. Thank you volunteers! Today the 5K, Moose Meadow, and connectors were groomed. Big thank you CPG for grooming the upper meadows! Thick snow conditions persist: skis and snowshoes are best mode to stay on top. See post from 3/21 for etiquette. The CAT track is a great option for skiing and recreating in the valley...
Storm warning! It's coming down and blowing in Girdwood and on the highway. Give plows a chance to clear roadways and entry points, etc. Time to sign up for the KMTA Corduroy Crush! Thank you for supporting GNSC. Lessons are also Saturday, Mar 25th. Click at right for info and registration. ...
Fresh snow overnight is covering all the trails and the CAT track is great for skiing this morning. The perimeter trails were smoothed yesterday evening. Etiquette 1. if you're postholing, turnaround to maintain the trails - it takes precious resources to groom! 2. Pick up dog poop. Enjoy the trails and thank you volunteers!...
Perimeter trails and lower Iditarod, plus bike path by the RailRoad Depot were narrow gauge groomed yesterday! Temps dipped just below freezing overnight. The 5K is in pristine shape today: the Alyeska CAT went out last night and it's all corduroy. Speaking of corduroy, want to ski, but not that far? Get a relay partner for KMTA race Sun Mar 26th: Each of you will ski 2K, 2x! Great prizes and fun :) Register at right. Thank you Alyeska and our volunteers!...
Groomers are out in full force this morning making the repeat storm from yesterday and overnight...
Lots of snow and then wet precipitation yesterday! The 5K was rolled midday. Temps cooled overnight with fresh snow on top. Groomers were out today grooming Moose Meadow and set tracks, prior to classic and skate ski lessons on Moose Meadow at 1pm! Take care out there as the snow is building. If the temperatures warm and you're postholing, turnaround! mind the tracks. Thank you volunteers and supporters.. One spot left in Classic Lesson and Skate Lesson!...
All trails were groomed last night! Thank you volunteers for making the trails so excellent this week. Fresh snow overnight made the trails sweet layer on top this morning. Sign up for lessons; classic and skate this weekend. Links at right...
Moose meadow, connectors, and 5K were buffed tonight! Beaver Pond was also narrow gauge groomed today. Thank you volunteer groomers for making the trails skiable these sunny days! It's not too late to support GNSC...
Registeration closed! Sign up Sunday morning at 930am in person. https://kmtacorridor.org/kmta-corduroy-crush/ 2K fun ski + biathlon option, 5K timed event, and 2x2x2 Relay for all ages! Join this family fun event on Sunday March 26th at 11am, 5K at 11:30 and Relay at 12:15pm. There will be snowballs, fun, prizes, and skiing! Want to ski, but not that far? Grab a friend and register for the Relay! You only have to ski 2K, and then do it again. The weather looks great for Sunday. ...
All trails were touched up last night and classic tracks were left as is. Bundle up this morning and enjoy the trails! Missed the classic or skate lessons yesterday? Sign up for next Sat, Mar 18....
Good morning! The trails were all groomed last night while the temps stayed well below freezing. Tracks were left as is. Have a great weekend, pick up dog poop, and support GNSC. Lessons start today! Sign up at right for classic or skate lessons the next three weekends...
Tonight the 5K, connectors and Moose Meadow were groomed. Tracks were left as is. Thank you volunteers! Get the sunshine this week and be good trail stewards. Thank you for supporting GNSC...
What a night! The 5K, connectors and all meadows were groomed this evening. Enjoy the results starting Monday! Thank you to our volunteers!...