5K and Bike path groomed today before 10:00 AM. 5 K is ski only! Today's groomer's Choice is: 5K, Upper Loop. The trail does have some terrain to deal with in the form of sitzmarks and some unevenness here and there. There are a few old watercrossings with less snow than we would like to see. Use caution on the downhills AND FILL YER #^*%(# SITZMARKS. We have a great start but still need substantial snows to be able to open our normally groomed multi-use trails. Overall very good conditions on the 5 K. Support the Club with a family membership. Come out and enjoy the great snow! pz...

Crews today cleared 5 trees which had fallen over the last week during two high wind periods. There is still debris to rake off trail if you feel like chipping in. The 5K just needs about a foot of snow and we'll be grooming again. Currently snow has covered most of the trail BUT skiing STILL IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Thin spots in downhills and several water crossings, some rocks, debris and who knows what all, means we really need more snow for anyone to consider skiing the 5 K. Great walking surface but some ice here and there. pz...

The summer has been flying by and great on the 5K. We know people are enjoying biking, hiking, walking and running on the loop. Berries are getting ready and August is nearly here. Watch for trail work and leave no trace! Thank you for supporting GNSC...

Both trails turned out OK. Deb used the Big Ginzu on 5K and Peter used the Little Ginzu around Moose Meadow. This springtime groom was brought to you by the recent cold overnight temperatures we have experienced. So, depending on temps we will attempt to groom when we can. Due to wetlands issues moose meadow will be the first to be stopped. Off trail on Moose Meadow was firm this morning but could potentially break through sometime soon forcing ceasing grooming there. It's been a great season. Thanks all from Peter, Jim, Deb and the Groomers...

Groomers were out to smooth out 4-6" new snow which started falling yesterday afternoon. At Noon yesterday the temp was -15 f. Today the temp is PLUS 19 f. Pretty wild 24hr swing! Thanks to Jim, John and Peter for getting it soft packed and skiiable. There's more snow in this week’s forecast so get out and enjoy the fresh snow and milder temperatures. If you haven't joined Girdwood Nordic Ski Club it's high time you did! Thanks for YOUR support. pz...

2 rollers with John and Malcolm and the powell groomer with Peter gave a nice soft groom to the whole park. No tracks made today but looks like skiing should be great everywhere! Lower Iditarod and bike path were also snow-dogged so smooth skiing for a bit...

Happy Weekend Girdwood! Ski reports say the 5K is skiing well and recommend classic. Fresh air always feels good. Thank you for supporting GNSC! Membership is here...

Hi Everyone! The 5K is ready for foot and bike travel with your friends and furry friends. Mind other trail users, control your pets, and use proper bins for waste while enjoying the trails! Call ADF&G if you see anything out of the ordinary i.e. Avian Influenza signs or other wildlife sightings. (907)267-2257...

The 5K was groomed last night! This morning should be good. Thank you volunteers and skiers!...

The 5K is groomed and skiing really good! Temps cooled last night. If the 4th was with you yesterday, you can ski today! ...

5K loop was groomed and has a soft surface. Moose Meadows is melting out fast. If you are punching through, pick another trail, or put on rock skis. Upper meadows are in better shape, and pick up after your dogs! Thank you!...

The 5K has a fresh groom! Seize the opportunity to ski on a great snow base and continue your fitness...

The trails are still skiable and great, and here's the ugly. Thank you volunteers - and to everyone that does pick up dog waste!...

The 5K and Upper Meadows were groomed tonight! Enjoy the spring skiing and great coverage on the 5K. Thank you volunteers for such a great season!...

The 5K and upper meadows were groomed this evening in hopes for set up overnight. Make your Tuesday morning crusty! or skiable. Thank you to all our volunteers...