The 5K has been rolled. Thank you to our volunteer groomers! Click on the heading for links: Check the Nordic Pulse app on NSAA when looking for freshly groomed trails all over south central AK and beyond!...

It's the big event of the year! Solstice is almost here. However you can celebrate outside is great. Join us before, on, or after Solstice skiing from the 5K kiosk along the Nordic Loop! The 2K will be lit with lights on Thurs, Dec 21st from 6-8pm. We need volunteers if you're able:  As parking is extremely limited, come ski from wherever you can in Girdwood to join the ski on the shortest day of the year! Bring your own thermos or mug if you'd like some hot cocoa so we can have a zero waste event....

Tracks were set on the 5K this morning! Go ski and wear some glasses or goggles-the wind is blowing puffs of snow off the big trees out there. The skiing is great. AND Moose Meadow returns! The loop was groomed today: Skiing is best and a bit soft for multi-use. Let's keep it clean i.e. Pick up the poop!...

The 5K has a new comb and over all the fluffy snowfall from today. First tracks are tonight or tomorrow morning for a lucky skier or two. Hoping for a Moose Meadow groom tomorrow morning - stay tuned. Thank you to so many membership renewing supporters and our volunteer groomers!!...

See you skiing on the trails or at the Holiday Bazaar! Let's keep Girdwood healthy and snowy-white: Pick up the poop, give a mutt mitt bag to someone that needs one out and about, and practice trail stewardship....

The 5K and Arlberg bike path were freshly groomed today! Tracks are being set tonight on the 5K. Swing by the Bazaar tomorrow 12-4pm at the Girdwood School to check out our new swag and renew your membership. Go ski and keep our local trails smooth...

Come renew your GNSC Membership and check out our new moose swag! See you there at the Girdwood School gym from 12-4pm

The 4K and 1K cutoffs were groomed today. Enjoy the trail! Visit GNSC this weekend at the Holiday Bazaar 12-4pm!...

Another 5 hours was spent working on the 5K loop today. Good news is that most of the trail is smooth. Other news-we cannot fix the cemented postholes, or the meadows until the next snow. Walk to the 5K trailhead from the parking lot and ski from there. The bikepath was also groomed and skiable. Thank you groomers!...

There's a fresh groom around Cooper Landing from their snow grooming! Click above to see this article from KMTA for access info. We hope to have a fresh groom on the 5k loop by later today....

The 5K is being worked on this afternoon. Come ski the loop. Thank you to our volunteers for making this magic! BE WARNED: between the pkg lot and kiosk is ungroomed, unappetizing, and unskiable....

The Alaska Nordic Skier December edition is ready for reading! Click HERE to read the December edition and find out what's happening next around Alaska from the Ski Train to what's going on tonight in Anchorage - the Jingle Mingle from 4-8pm! Fri Dec 1 @ 9170 Jewel Lake Rd Suite 200. Cannot make it? You'll miss the snacks and mingling, but can browse the NSAA shop: Items can be picked up at their location....

The temp has finally dipped below freezing for maybe 12 hrs-but the trails are in need of repair and rest from many postholes and soggy days. Please give the hard surface trails avid use during this time. Meanwhile, we are working on trying to solve the trail issues we can and hoping for cooler days and nights AND more snow! Thank you for supporting GNSC and respecting the meadows and trails. Stay tuned for our next updates...