02 Sep Girdwood Marathon
Gird your loins, it’s time for the Girdwood Marathon!! This is probably the only good news of 2020 so savor it. Choose the full 26.2 mile marathon or 13.1 mile half-marathon. The race starts and ends in the idyllic, forested village of Girdwood. The course takes you through town, along the Bird to Gird trail, into the mountains rich with autumn colors, and views of snow-dusted peaks. It’s probably going to rain or hail or both since it’s Girdwood, after all. Aid stations? No. This is a BYOBS race (Bring Your Own Bear Spray), along with water and a smile. We will start the race in waves (COVID) and with waves. Covid says, “Race is limited to a maximum of 30 racers for the Marathon, maximum of 30 for the half.” Thank you!
October 3rd at 9am Meet at the Alyeska Daylodge.