The 5K, Upper Meadows, and Moose Meadow were smoothed out a bit last night. Thank you to our groomers! Dog owners, Pick up the dog poop - everyone would like to enjoy a clean trail and the waste is bad for grooming implements...

Good Merry Morning! A fresh dusting of snow fell since last eve on the firm groom and trail work, thanks to dedicated volunteer elves and scrooges yesterday. Groomers are out this morning brushing up the trails-holes from previous days' warmth and postholes were solidified. If you're sinking into the groom, turnaround!! and switch to another path....

Afternoon: All trails have been groomed with tracks set on the 5K. Yesterday evening Moose Meadow was compacted and the 5K was groomed, of which the 2K came out best. Thank you super groomers, chainsaw heroes, and supporters! SO much trail work over the last several days...

Now that I have power, I can post: the 2K was groomed last night over 4" of new snow and tree bombs going strong. No news for today except heavy snow out there and about 32* in the valley....

Moose Meadow has fresh tracks set! Go ski and enjoy the trails with good stewardship. Thank you to our volunteers and supporters of GNSC...

Celebrate the shortest day of the year with a ski! Start from anywhere and ski along Arlberg Bikepath, Moose Meadow, Our Lady of the Snows, and join the GNSC and community at the 5K kiosk. Bring a thermos to help ensure this is a zero waste event and ski along the lit 2K course! Thank you for supporting GNSC and enjoy the wintry wonderland.. The 5K has fresh tracks set!...

The 5k was groomed and upper meadows with soft results. Break trail if you are connecting to Moose Meadow! Bonus: CPG went out on the CAT...

The snow continues to fall! Lower Iditarod was snow dogged today. 5K was also groomed. The skiing is fantastic in the Meadows too. You cannot go wrong! Enjoy and watch for pockets in the trail on Moose Meadow. Pick up the poop....

Goodmorning Snowy Girdwood! Last evening's storm brought warm temperatures and heavy precipitation in liquid and flake form on top of a great groom on our trails. Noon update: soft snow groomed on 5K and Arlberg Bikepath! Meadows rolled. Enjoy the trails and keep them clean! Be safe out there shoveling and driving....

Groomer's report this evening is Moose Meadow is hot! Snowfall let up about 730pm tonight. Skiing should be pretty fabulous on the 5K, Arlberg Bikepath, and Moose Meadow tomorrow. Stay tuned for the connectors. Thank you to our awesome volunteers!...

Moose Meadow was groomed last night and a fluffy blanket of snow covered the track! The 5K was rolled today and the 2K was brushed up tonight! Snow is settling...

The 5K was nearly finished at 1:30pm today. Lots of work smoothing out the copious snow from yesterday… and it’s still coming down. Thank you volunteers! Moose Meadow was hit with several laps of track and the roller tonight.. and the snow kept coming. Enjoy the powder everyone!...

The Lower Iditarod trail has been snowdogged! Enjoy a ski without holes. Thank you Ben! The Bird to Gird bikepath has seen some grooming as well....

The 5K has been rolled. Thank you to our volunteer groomers! Click on the heading for links: Check the Nordic Pulse app on NSAA when looking for freshly groomed trails all over south central AK and beyond!...

It's the big event of the year! Solstice is almost here. However you can celebrate outside is great. Join us before, on, or after Solstice skiing from the 5K kiosk along the Nordic Loop! The 2K will be lit with lights on Thurs, Dec 21st from 6-8pm. We need volunteers if you're able:  As parking is extremely limited, come ski from wherever you can in Girdwood to join the ski on the shortest day of the year! Bring your own thermos or mug if you'd like some hot cocoa so we can have a zero waste event....

Tracks were set on the 5K this morning! Go ski and wear some glasses or goggles-the wind is blowing puffs of snow off the big trees out there. The skiing is great. AND Moose Meadow returns! The loop was groomed today: Skiing is best and a bit soft for multi-use. Let's keep it clean i.e. Pick up the poop!...

The 5K has a new comb and over all the fluffy snowfall from today. First tracks are tonight or tomorrow morning for a lucky skier or two. Hoping for a Moose Meadow groom tomorrow morning - stay tuned. Thank you to so many membership renewing supporters and our volunteer groomers!!...

See you skiing on the trails or at the Holiday Bazaar! Let's keep Girdwood healthy and snowy-white: Pick up the poop, give a mutt mitt bag to someone that needs one out and about, and practice trail stewardship....