After a bit of new snow, Peter rolled and put down some corduroy on the 5K Nordic Loop.  He cautions us to use our 'rock' skis since the snow pack is very thin, but it should make for a fun ski.  There's still not enough snow to groom the meadows....

Obviously there has been no new snow.  The 5K Nordic Loop has numerous sections of ice.  If you go to walk on the trail, ice grippers are recommended.  Be safe out there...

Tim rolled the 5K Nordic Loop Saturday afternoon.  It makes a nice ski surface.  Watch for rocks lurking under the thin snow cover....

Friday Night snowed just enough to cover a pretty nice groom. Stay posted and we will try again soon. We will be looking for a longer duration clear/ no precip period to do it all again. pz...

We smoothed things out up on the pass yesterday. Same loops as previous grooms. Snow was soft granular so should be set well by morning. Go up and ski ! Access at Center Ridge Parking lot Just above the out houses. ...

The 2.8K loop at Turnagain Pass was NOT GROOMED today. At noon today, it was raining, visibility was poor and there were 15 to 20 mile per hour winds. The good news is, there's plenty of snow at Turnagain Pass so we should have plenty of spring skiing. We'll hold off grooming until the weather improves and looks like it will be good for a period of time. Stay tuned...

The 2.8K loop at Turnagain Pass was groomed this afternoon. We roughed up the hard surface a bit. It should be good skiing! There's some good crust skiing in the area too - avoid the lumps and bumps, but get out there and enjoy winter. Jim Just spent the last few hours grooming in Turnagain at Center Ridge parking area with these two volunteers . Go Enjoy!! ...