CAT Track is a fresh groom this morning. Go ski there! Meadows hard crust for biking and walking. Ben groomed the Viewscape last night. Enjoy the sunshine! Cover Photo: Taken by 3-year-old local Jack Michael Doyle. He stole his Dad's phone in the Moose Meadow and this is one of the gems we found in the 3000 photos and videos he took that day....

The 2nd annual Girdwood Trail Marathon was contested under clear skies and run over 26 miles of Girdwood’s spectacular trail system. This is the only looped trail marathon in Alaska, The race route covers trails managed by Girdwood Nordic Ski Club, Girdwood Park & Rec, Chugach State Park, U.S. Forest Service, Girdwood School and Alyeska Resort. All the proceeds of this run go back to the groups that maintain and build Girdwood trails. The men’s race was won by Alaska back country legend Miles Raney. He bested Matias Saari (2016 winner) and Soren Weurth. The Women’s field was won by APU skier Lauren Fritz, she topped Julie Johnson and Rachel Steer for her first win in Girdwood. Volunteers from Girdwood Nordic Ski Club and the Girdwood Trails Committee made this event happen! See full results here...

The 2.8K loop at Turnagain Pass was NOT GROOMED today. At noon today, it was raining, visibility was poor and there were 15 to 20 mile per hour winds. The good news is, there's plenty of snow at Turnagain Pass so we should have plenty of spring skiing. We'll hold off grooming until the weather improves and looks like it will be good for a period of time. Stay tuned...

The 2.8K loop at Turnagain Pass was groomed this afternoon. We roughed up the hard surface a bit. It should be good skiing! There's some good crust skiing in the area too - avoid the lumps and bumps, but get out there and enjoy winter. Jim Just spent the last few hours grooming in Turnagain at Center Ridge parking area with these two volunteers . Go Enjoy!! ...

The 5K Nordic Loop will not be groomed again this season. Due to lack of snow and construction on the Arlberg Extension - which makes groomer and skier access to the trail extremely difficult, we are suspending grooming operations. When we get another good weather window of a week or so, we'll groom a loop at Turnagain Pass....