Thank you for making it all the way to the page where we ask you for money. You are so smart and attractive… and what an impressive attention span. We hope to see you on the new trails. Here’s your chance to get involved, feel good, and get some cool free stuff. Don’t forget, we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit so you can write this off. EIN (30-0516522)
A donation at this level guarantees you will become a better Nordic skier, your resting heart rate will lower, and you’ll suddenly fit into your old ski pants. We’ll engrave a rock at the trailhead with your name, or company’s name. If you wish to remain anonymous, we’ll place a star on your rock. Rock level sponsors will be listed on our website and in newspaper.
A single sheet of paper is easily ripped, but stack enough paper together, and it’s impossible to tear. It takes a community to build this trail system, and every bit counts. Technically, paper beats rock anyway. You’ll also get a free pair of great GNSC wool socks, and we’ll list you as a paper level sponsor on our website and in newspaper.
We can’t run without you, scissors. Your support will help us cut through the red tape to get these trails completed faster. Yes, you too will receive free wool GNSC socks and be listed as a scissors level sponsors on our website and in newspaper.
Receive all the recognition listed below, along with a trailside bench named for you or your company. In your honor, you can choose to engrave your name, company logo, or a favorite quotation on the bench.
You’ll receive all the benefits of the Silver level, plus a unique signpost along the trail in recognition of you or your company.
Your name and company logo will be included on the trailhead sign, new winter map, website, newspaper and in all PR.
Your name and company logo will be included on the trailhead sign, new winter map, website and newspaper.
Your name will be listed on the trailhead sign, new winter map, website and newspaper.